About ordering products such as one -point items,sold out items introduced on the homepage, SNS, etc.

You can also order one-of-a-kind, unreleased, and out-of-stock items that are not available on MAJOH WEBSHOP and that are introduced on SNS, etc., using payment methods that can be used on WEBSHOP, such as credit card, convenience store payment, and Alipay.

Please contact us using our chat service, this inquiry form, or email webshop@majoh.co with information about the product you want.
After confirmation, we will inform you how to place your order.


Since this product is sold using the MAJOH WEBSHOP function, member registration and shipping address are required. Please note that you may not be able to place an order if the item is sold out or for other reasons.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


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